Tag Archives: care factor

Athiests: god bless [object]

Been watching many [of my fellow] atheists express annoyance at the habit of some believers to say their valedictions with ‘god bless’.  Some expressed anger & felt discriminated against.  Which is their prerogative of course.  I don’t disagree entirely with their contentions.  On the other hand there was the rather predictable response from both atheists & believers.  [Of note is that I haven’t seen any believers take it seriously and consider the farewells from someone else’s perspective. Make of that what you will. ]

It did set me wondering if I should feel similarly & why didn’t I?  Was it that such was my upbringing that I inferred good intentions to all believers?  I’m fortunately not quite that naive, even somewhat au fait with people’s colloquial speech patterns to know that is not always true.  [sadly] I don’t have a thick skin so what was going on?

I think it stems from a concept learnt even while a believer.  Back then Christians would be all upset over ‘unbelievers’ swearing.  I was unfazed as that is what unbelievers did, no?  Besides their words could not defile me so why be upset at their uncouthness?  (The word was offered by Autocorrect so it stayed.)

Similar thinking obviously prevailed once I ‘gave up magic’.  Believers can bless till the cows come home, charitably or antagonisticly, and it won’t change an iota.  Why get upset about it?
Now if only I could ably that in other areas…