Flat Earth and Star Trails in the North & South Hemisphere

Recently many people seem to be taking up the old idea that the earth is a domed disc, not a globe. Part of their reasoning involves lens corrected Go-Pro cameras & lack of expeditions to the South Pole. There are other concerns such as the UN & USGS both use maps — minus Antarctica. Exploration of Antarctica is claimed to be forbidden & restricted. I’ll let you watch the two hour video if you desire rather that recap here. 1

In the “Map Makers” section the narrator Mark Sargent gives up the map used by the aforementioned authorities as the one also used by ‘Flat Earthers’. See the following map from Wikipedia.

Now, based on that map I thought of an experiment that would falsify a flat earth. — unless there is a external entity determined to deceive. This contrasts nicely with the claim of Flat Earthers (FE) that there are governmental agencies determined to deceive. The experiment is rather simple and requires a camera that can do a time lapse image. The longer the better, but I’ve done those nice concentric circles claimed to be stars in 45 minutes. 8 hour time laps would be better but showing the rotation effect is all that is required.

Other FE than Mr Sargent show ‘Northern Hemisphere Star Trails’ as evidence of a flat earth. So the experiment is this. At an equivalent latitude take a series of still photos & and time lapsed images pointed in the directions of North, East or West, and South in each of the hemispheres on each continent excluding Antarctica. If the earth is a globe then North and South will show concentric circles, East or West will show straight lines.

If the earth is a disc then North may show the concentric circles, depending on the model used, East and West might show arcs away from the earth & South should show long straight lines.

You don’t truly need to go to every continent, as long as you take a longitudinal direction. Using Chile or Argentina, South Africa, & Australia for example though any country in the southern hemisphere should be adequate to show the movement of the earth in either model. You may suggest that a single series on one continent would be enough, but I think to be totally thorough three are required. The disc could be rotating around an axis through Australia & the North Pole giving Australians this idea they are on a globe, but it is impossible to have three axis of rotation through all three continents on the below map with the axis marked.


Athiests: god bless [object]

Been watching many [of my fellow] atheists express annoyance at the habit of some believers to say their valedictions with ‘god bless’.  Some expressed anger & felt discriminated against.  Which is their prerogative of course.  I don’t disagree entirely with their contentions.  On the other hand there was the rather predictable response from both atheists & believers.  [Of note is that I haven’t seen any believers take it seriously and consider the farewells from someone else’s perspective. Make of that what you will. ]

It did set me wondering if I should feel similarly & why didn’t I?  Was it that such was my upbringing that I inferred good intentions to all believers?  I’m fortunately not quite that naive, even somewhat au fait with people’s colloquial speech patterns to know that is not always true.  [sadly] I don’t have a thick skin so what was going on?

I think it stems from a concept learnt even while a believer.  Back then Christians would be all upset over ‘unbelievers’ swearing.  I was unfazed as that is what unbelievers did, no?  Besides their words could not defile me so why be upset at their uncouthness?  (The word was offered by Autocorrect so it stayed.)

Similar thinking obviously prevailed once I ‘gave up magic’.  Believers can bless till the cows come home, charitably or antagonisticly, and it won’t change an iota.  Why get upset about it?
Now if only I could ably that in other areas…